1. 洪秀燕、朱柏穎、吳志富、劉又榕, "不同學習背景工業設計所研究生概念發展階段之能力差異," 藝術教育研究, Vol. 29, pp. 47-73, May 2015
2. 王士賓、吳志富、鄭元良、林楷潔, "水龍頭操作需力檢測方法之研究," 建築學報, 2014年12月,頁165-183
3. 曹永慶、廖卿枝, "以在地識別意象探討產品之認同與偏好 ," 感性學報, 第一卷第二期(秋季號) p28-53頁
4. 吳志富、涂永祥、陳之穎, "方向、距離、與路徑線條對於觸覺地圖引導績效的影響," 人因工程學刊, 第十一卷, 第一期, 第25~37頁
5. 吳志富、涂永祥、吳佳育, "視障者3C產品階層式選單系統之最佳介面設計研究," 人因工程學刊, 第十卷, 第ㄧ期, 第31~40頁
6. 嚴貞、林淑媛, "包裝設計效益對品牌權益影響之變項探討," 設計學報, 15(1),71-91。
7. 林淑媛、嚴貞, "雲林縣96年「地方伴手計畫」產品開發、推廣與包裝視覺設計之研究," 設計研究, (8),62-70。
8. 林淑媛、黃憶婷, "設計合作學," 設計研究, (7),68-75。
9. 謝省民、林淑媛, "台灣小學低年級國語教科書之政治主題插畫表現探討──以民國三十九年至九十年版本為例," 藝術研究期刊, 1 ,155-190。
10. 周彥君、林家華, "以自然永續理 念探討蒲葵工藝應用於窗飾之初探研究," Journal of Advanced Engineering 先進工程學刊, 先進工程學刊第 10 卷第 2 期 2015.4
11. Kai-Chieh Lin and Chih-Fu Wu, "Practicing universal design to actual hand tool design process," Applied Ergonomics, Volume 50, pp. 8-18, Sep. 2015
12. Shih-Bin Wang and Chih-Fu Wu, "A Study on the Design of Voice Guidance for Car Navigation Systems," International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 49, pp. 1-10, May. 2015 (Accepted)
13. Yung-Hsiang Tu, Chih-Fu Wu, Kai-Chieh Lin, Hsiang-Ling Hsu and Chun-Ming Lien, "A Study on the Effect of Design Factors of Membrane Keyboard’s Tactile Feedback," International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 4, April 2015
14. Chia-Chen Wu, Chih-Fu Wu, Pey-Weng Lien and Kai-Chieh Lin, "A Study of Semantic Analysis of LED Illustrated Traffic Directional Arrow in Different Style," International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, Vol.8, No.8, pp. 2631-2639, Sep. 2014
15. Chih-Chun Lai and Chih-Fu Wu, "Display and device size effects on the usability of mini-notebooks (netbooks)/ultraportables as small form-factor Mobile PCs," Applied Ergonomics, Volume 45, Issue 4, Pages 1106–1115
16. Yung-Chin Tsao and Ching-Chih Liao, "Structural Composition and Position of Occlusion on the Legibility of Occluded Chinese Characters," Perceptual & Motor Skill: Perception, 2015, 102, 2, 1-16
17. Yen Hsu, "Exploring the Effects of Users on the Service Innovation Design of a Digital Signage Information System by Using the Technology Acceptance Model," Jökull, Vol. 64, No. 8, pp. 212-231, Aug. 2014
18. Cheng-Hung Lo, Chao-Yang Yang*, Po-Tsang Lin, Kuo-Jung Hsieh, Ying-Chieh Liu and Wen-Ko Chiou, "Are the faces more attractive with glasses?," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 29 (2), pp.125-135
19. Chao-Yang Yang, Chien-Yu Peng, Ying-Chieh Liu, Wen-Zhi Chen and Wen-Ko Chiou*, "Obesity-related Metabolic Diseases and cancers with surface anthropometric indices," Chang Gung Medical Journal, 34 (1), pp.1-22
20. W. Wang, I. Coxon and M oung, "Understanding Mobile Phone Users’ Needs by Taxonomy of Experience (ToE)," International Journal of Digital Media Design, Vol. 7 No. 1 (Accepted)
21. Lin, S. Y., Yen, J. and Fang, K., "The influence of packaging-design benefits on brand equity: Discussion from packaging design experts’ view.," Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 58(5), 11-20.
1. Yung-Chin Tsao, Chun-Chieh Shu, Eddie Jih and Cun-Fu Xu, "A Study of Visual Aesthetics of Interactive Interface Design with Dynamic Construction and Destruction Adjustment," 2014 International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBSS)., July. 2014
2. Wen-Yuan Lee and Shi-Min Gong, "A study on color emotions of two color combinations using achromatic colors as main color," Proceedings of AIC 2014 Interim Meeting, pp.664-669, Oct. 2014
3. Shuo-Wei Hsiao and Wen-Yuan Lee, "A study on color usage of Taiwanese motels," The 2nd Conference of Asia Color Association - URBAN COLOR FOR LIFE (ISBN: 978-986-86796-4-1), pp. 243-246, Sep. 2014
4. Chiu-Lan YEH and Wen-Yuan LEE, "A study on the affective feeling of Kind-Warm," The 2nd Conference of Asia Color Association - URBAN COLOR FOR LIFE (ISBN: 978-986-86796-4-1), pp.144-147, Sep. 2014
5. Mei-Chun Chen and Fu-Yuan Li, "The Design Research of Chinese Beijing Opera Types ," IT, Multimedia and Communications Conference, pp. 51-63
6. Ya-Lun Lai and Fu-Yuan Li, "The Study of Design Application: The study of Design Application: A Case Study on “Taiwan Lion”," IT, Multimedia and Communications Conference, pp. 101-117
7. Yen Hsu, "Co-creation in Real Worlds: The Value Co-Creation Strategy (VCS) Model," Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences (2015 ICRMMS), CD-title
8. Yang, C. Y., Wu, Y. T. and Chou, P. C., "A Hazard Perception Evaluation In Conveying Information From On-Bike Riding Assistance Device Using Different Types Of Auditory Sounds.," Asia Design Engineering Workshop, Design meets Engineering, Paper presented at the ADEWS 2014
9. Yang, C.-Y., Hsu, W.-L. and Huang, T.-Y. C., "The Impact of Media and Background Color on Handwriting Design, User Experience, and Usability.," User Experience Design for Everyday Life Applications and Services, pp. 173-183
10. Yang, C.-Y., Wu, Y.-T. and Wu, C.-T., "Impact of Multi-sensory On-Bicycle Rider Assistance Devices on Rider Concentration and Safety Design," User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Everyday Life Applications and Services, 378-388
11. C.-K. Sung and P.-J. Cheng, "The Influences of Drawing with Graphics Software on Children’s Cognitive Development," Proceedings of ICASI 2015, May 2015
12. D.-H. Chen and P.-J. Cheng, "A study on the shapes of electronic drawing pen based on children’s intuitive operations," Proceedings of ICASI 2015, May 2015
13. P.-J. Cheng and L.-H. Chen, "The Analysis of Designers’ On-line Retrieving and Referring Behavior," Proceedings of DesignEd 2014, Hong Kong, pp.293-301, Dec. 2014
14. W. Wang, M. Young and S. Love, "The Relationship between Cognitive Style and Users’ Operational Behaviour on Mobile Phone Interfaces," SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN COMPUTING AND COGNITION (DCC'14 OR DCC14), SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN COMPUTING AND COGNITION (DCC'14 OR DCC14)
15. Lin, S. Y., "A Model for the Influence of Packaging Design Effects on the Evaluation of Brand Association.," the Eighth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Canada, USA. (NSC102-2410-H-468-001)
16. Lin, S. Y. and Yen, J., "Primary study on influence of food packaging design effects on brand association from consumers' views.," the 4th World Conference on Design Research, Delft, Netherlands.
17. Lin, S. Y. and Yen, J., "A study of the effects of packaging visual design on brand equity and relevant variables.," the Fourth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Chicago, USA.
18. 黃筱晴、林家華, "体験マーケティングの観点からブランド街の環境体験に関する研究ー台北の中山北路ブランド街として," 日本デザイン学会第62回研究発表大会, 第62回研究発表大会
19. Y. C. Huang and C.-H. Luk, "Heartbeat Jenga: A Biofeedback Board Game to Improve Coordination and Emotional Control," HCII 2015 international Conference: Design, User Experience, and Usability: Interactive Experience Design, DUXU 2015, Part III, LNCS 9188, pp. 1–8, 2015.
20. H. H. Hsu, Y. C. Huang and W. C. Tsen, "The study of text art by design application," ICASI 2015, Pp1-2
1. 蔡智昀、李文淵, "台灣自造者運動之初探 ," 第20屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會論文集, No.0574, May 2015
2. 戴鸝醇、李文淵, "在多點觸控螢幕上探討操作產品3D展示之手勢," 第20屆中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會論文集, No.0596, May 2015
3. 許言、楊沛縈, "環境媒體使用比喻式手法之廣告訊息傳遞效果研究," 2014第三屆設計發展學術研討會論文集, pp.1-6
4. 許言、楊沛縈, "以比喻手法分析環境媒體廣告訊息之傳遞績效," 2015第二十二屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, 2015
5. 高凡宜、許言, "使用者經驗設計之文獻探討:以App為例," 明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集, 網路版
6. 鄧凱元、許言, "物聯網與服務創新應用探討," 2014明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集, 網路版
7. 鄧瑋霖、許言, "新興經濟體之產品創新探討," 2014明志科技大學技術與教學研討會論文集, 網路版
8. 許言、陳政智, "知識管理於機構設計之應用—以工業平版電腦為例," 2014設計學會學術研究成果研討會論文集, pp.78-83
9. 許言, "探討穿戴型運動記錄裝置之產品設計趨勢與需求," 2014設計學會學術研究成果研討會論文集, pp.776-782
10. 陳義生、吳明穎、鄒恩瑋、郭珓銓、鄭霈絨, "手機介面icon之語意辨識-以年輕族群為主," 2015中華民國設計學會設計研究成果發表研討會暨第二屆國際設計研究論壇, May 2015
11. 莊秉森、黃臣鴻, "運用TRIZ法於產品簡化設計之研究," 設計與創意加值國際研討會, 玄奘大學, 2014/11/21, 2014
12. 黃鏡樺、黃臣鴻, "高齡者對尋物器介面之喜好研究," 設計與創意加值國際研討會, 玄奘大學, 2014/11/21, 2014
13. 林淑媛、陳俊宏, "台灣鐵路局車票之文字編排適切性研究," 字體、圖像與傳達設計國際研討會論文集, 235-244
14. 孫鈺晴、林家華, "城市意象與色彩之研究─以臺北市為例," 2014中華民國設計學會設計學術研究成果研討會
15. 車良源、林家華, "都市品牌意象之研究-以臺北為例," 2014中華民國設計學會設計學術研究成果研討會,p677
16. 黃筱晴、林家華, "精品街環境視覺元素之研究-以台北市中山北路精品街為例," 2014中華民國設計學會設計學術研究成果研討會,p689
17. 林家華, "策展人之角色體驗應用於策展實務教學之研究," 2014中華民國設計學會設計學術研究成果研討會,p273
18. 陳明秀, "科技中的女性臉譜:性別與科技楷模學習多媒體教材," 2015年文化研究學會【以誰之名?】, 2015/3/15
19. 蔡仕邦、蔡仕廷、陳明秀, "多媒體教材應用於小學學童學習成效研究:以「科技中女性臉譜」教材為例," 2015年文化研究學會【以誰之名?】, 2015/03/15
20. Liang-Yuan Che and Chia-Hua Lin, "The Cultural Branding in Military Dependents Village- taking Peitou Central Village as example," Asian design culture society, 8th international meeting in Kyoto
21. Hsiao-Ching Huang, Chia-Hua Lin and Szu-Hua Fu, "Marketing Tory Bruch: A Case Study in Brand and Spatial Image," Asian design culture society, poster presentation, 8th international meeting in Kyoto
1. 陳進發、顏召宜、李佳輯、賴佳聖、徐世軒、黃維信, 交通部公路總局102年公路防災年報, 交通部公路總局,2014
2. 曹永慶、董基良、黃維信、陳柏全、黃詩音、朱尚禮、陳維哲、佘佳慧、李俊融、張開國、周文靜、賴靜慧, 通用設計研究系列:旅客服務設施之規劃設計, 交通部運輸研究所,2014
3. 許言、楊久穎、謝靜玫, 改變世界的經典設計:看懂經典之所以成為經典的關鍵, 旗標出版社, 2014
4. 陳明秀, コンテンツ化する東アジア――大衆分/メディア/アイデンティティ, 青弓社
5. 陳明秀, 泛亞洲動漫研究, 山東人民出版社
  計畫名稱(編號) 主持人 執行期間 計畫金額
1 LED光源對視覺績效與情感反應影響之研究(1/2)(MOST 103-2410-H-036-006-MY2) 吳志富 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 610,000
2 行動裝置之輸入介面最適化設計研究(1/2)(MOST 103-2221-E-036-020-MY2) 吳志富 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 722,000
3 大同醫護股份有限公司產品設計與媒體整合(E10311-D03-022) 吳志富 2014-10-01~2015-04-30 150,000
4 桃園縣LCD智慧型公車站牌設計 吳志富 2014-11-15~2015-03-31 150,000
5 「過濾型可攜式水瓶造型設計」計畫 吳志富 2015-01-01~2015-02-28 70,000
6 新的大同.心的大同-傳承、堅持、創新(E10402-D06-039) 吳志富 2015-03-01~2016-08-31 1,850,000
7 大同門市之服務體驗設計(E10402-D09-043) 吳志富 2015-03-01~2016-08-31 850,000
8 多元文化歷史巡禮之數位街道家俱設計(MOST 103-2420-H-036-001) 曹永慶 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 500,000
9 應用矛盾修辭於產品使用上之設計模式研究(MOST 103-2221-E-036-021-MY2) 曹永慶 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 486,000
10 產品造形與色彩之交互作用對情感之影響(I)(103-2221-E-036 -026) 李文淵 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 543,000
11 新型組合家俱改良暨互動式網站平台(E10309-D01-011) 李文淵 2014-10-01~2015-08-28 198,000
12 設計導入智慧安全城市之災害應變整合機制(E10406-D13-061) 李文淵 2015-05-01~2015-12-31 600,000
13 以實景結合GIS分析建立大客車行駛山區道路之安全性研究(2/3)(102-2410-H-036-009-MY3) 黃維信 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 451,000
14 省道及代養縣道管線清查系統 黃維信 2014-08-25~2014-10-25 97,900
15 103年台灣好行公路客運路現動態資訊介接勞務採購 黃維信 2014-09-18~2015-12-31 180,000
16 公路基本資料異動及竣工圖提報GIS檢核勾稽系統擴充功能建置與維護 黃維信 2014-11-19~2015-02-18 40,000
17 礁溪至羅東間台9線公車路線動態資訊介接(E10402-V05-035) 黃維信 2015-02-02~2015-02-10 18,150
18 104年度公路公共運輸計畫專案管理系統擴充(E10405-V12-058) 黃維信 2015-05-08~2015-06-07 250,000
19 行動監理服務規劃建置 黃維信 2015-03-01~2015-12-31 97,900
20 104年度國道經常巡查系統維護擴充作業 黃維信 2015-03-19~2016-03-18 2,500,000
21 「102~103年度南投縣轄公路設施總清查委託技術服務」-複委託辦理「南投路平巡查系統」採購案(E10404-V10-052) 黃維信 2015-04-15~2016-07-13 220,000
22 『2015 Comic Starts漫畫繁星文化部漫畫產業人才培育計畫』委託執行合作案 黃維信 2015-03-01~2016-09-30 353,663
23 遊戲設計教學之課程改善計畫 黃維信 2015-01-01~2015-12-31 70,000
24 104年「死因資料統計管理作業系統維運案」 黃維信 2015-04-07~2015-12-31 750,000
25 「2015達文西科技學習營」委託執行合作案 黃維信 2015-07-01~2015-12-31 148,000
26 以服務設計觀點探討兒童圖書館之行為模式(B104-D02-002) 羅彩雲 2015-01-01~2015-11-30 50,000
27 整合PAD情感量表與3D衍生動態模型之個性化商品開發流程研究(MOST 103-2410-H-036 -010-) 朱柏穎 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 404,000
28 宗皓科技新事業專入設計研究專案(E10311-D02-020) 朱柏穎 2014-11-01~2015-04-30 214,000
29 遊戲企劃課程教案設計(B104-V02-066) 王文嘉 2015-01-01~2016-11-30 70,000
30 動漫人物設計(E10402-V06-038) 王文嘉 2015-01-25~2016-06-30 13,000
31 科普知識之製片計劃-智慧城市之鑰 林家華 2014-09-30~2015-12-31 660,000
32 以「藝術地圖」的策展手法實施策展教學之研究(B104-DD-1-028) 林家華 2015-01-01~2015-11-30 50,000
33 概述表分析編輯與視覺化展示系統開發 林家華 2015-02-17~2015-04-16 270,000
34 產品設計與創新:探討企業團隊之價值共創及衝突管理策略對績效之影響 (I)(MOST 103-2410-H-036 -007) 許言 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 562,000
35 激進的設計創新共創:行銷定位策略之系統分析觀點(2/3)(B104-D01-001) 許言 2015-01-01~2015-11-30 100,000
36 智慧家電設計與物聯網建構 許言 2015-03-01~2016-08-31 850,000
37 環保百葉窗簾設計(MOST 103-2815-C-036 -005-E) 許言 2015-03-01~2017-03-31 47,000
38 輔助設計教育之互動式立體3D虛擬產品模型的視覺深度線索與使用者介面研究(II)(MOST 103-2221-E-036 -019-) 陳立杰 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 627,000
39 科技中的女性臉譜:性別與科技楷模學習多媒體教材設計(2/2) 陳明秀 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 628,000
40 以Construct 2 進行HTML5遊戲開發之教材設計(B104-V03-067) 陳彥甫 2015-01-01~2015-11-30 70,000
41 腦波意念輔助更直覺化3D繪圖系統:以3DS Max中輔助旋轉、縮放視角為例 (I)(103-2410-H-036-009) 黃郁鈞 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 437,000
42 創意概念形成App(AGCI)的驗證與應用 (I)(MOST 103-2410-H-036-008) 鄭霈絨 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 454,000
43 大同形象廣告企劃(E10402-V07-041) 鄭霈絨 2015-03-01~2016-08-31 850,000
44 應用腦電波(EEG)及事件相關電位(ERP)探討產品外型特徵經觸覺喚起之情感反應(103-2221-E-036-03) 楊朝陽 2014-08-01~2015-07-31 570,000
45 手繪立體造型創作能力優化教育與學生個人空間能力之觀察比較 楊朝陽 2015-01-01~2015-11-30 115,000
合計 18,946,613
1. 補助老師6人次至大陸進行招生工作
2. 補助學生13人次至大陸協助招生工作或舉辦工作營
3. 補助老師4人次爭取校外研究計畫及參加放視大賞
4. 補助學生2人次參與放視大賞前置準備會議
5. 補助支付工作營講師費用
6. 補助國際工作營成果參展
7. 協助支付設計學院機房冷氣機及施工
8. 協助支付設計學院學生獎學金